Records and Registration

Adding Courses

A period in which a student may add a class that is available on the catalog with available seating. See academic calendar for specific dates and deadlines.


Students wanting to audit a class (register for and attend class as a “listener” without receiving credit or a grade) must declare this at the time of registration. Tuition and fees are the same as if the class were taken for credit. Audited courses fulfill no graduation requirements and earn no credit. Therefore, they do not count in the credit load for international students, veterans, students receiving financial aid, or other tuition support programs. Students may not challenge courses they have audited. Incomplete grade contracts may not be fulfilled by auditing a course. It is possible to change from audit status to credit status, or vice versa, from the beginning of the registration period through the last date to drop classes. (See Academic Calendar.)

Credit/audit changes should only be made after careful consideration of the financial aid and credit load implications and after consultation with the Financial Aid Office and an academic advisor.

Dropping Courses

Drops exist to allow students the ability to adjust their class schedule at the beginning of each semester. Courses may be dropped through the date noted on the Academic Calendar.

Grading System

Grades are determined by each instructor based upon an evaluation of all assigned and completed coursework. Course participation, mastery of subject matter, and promise of continuing success in sequential courses in related fields are all criteria used to evaluate progress.

  • “A” represents outstanding understanding, application, and integration of subject material and extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Demonstrates diligent application of Learning Model principles, including initiative in serving other students.
  • “B” represents considerable/significant understanding, application, and incorporation of the material that would prepare a student to be successful in next level courses, graduate school, or employment. The student participates in the Learning Model as applied in the course.
  • “C” represents sufficient understanding of subject matter. The student demonstrates minimal initiative to be prepared for class. Sequenced courses could be attempted, but mastering new materials might prove challenging. The student participates only marginally in the Learning Model.
  • “D” represents poor performance and initiative to learn, understand, and apply course materials. Retaking a course or remediation may be necessary to prepare for additional instruction in this subject matter.
  • “E” represents failure in the course.
  • “P” represents passing the course and is not calculated into the GPA.
  • “W” represents withdrawal from the class and is not calculated into the GPA.
  • “UW” represents an unofficial withdrawal which is given to a student who meets the following criteria: Did not complete proper withdrawal procedures; has record of non-attendance that began before the last date to withdraw from individual courses without grade earned; and did not complete any work, tests, or class related assignments after attendance ceased. The “UW” is calculated into the GPA as a failing grade value. (0.0)
  • “I” is a conditional grade. (See Incomplete Grade)
  • “CR” indicates credit given.
  • “NC” indicated no credit.
  • “NR” represents the grade was not reported by the instructor. A student receiving a “NR” grade should contact the instructor to request that a valid grade be submitted to Enrollment Services.
  • “V” indicates a course taken for audit.
  • Under some circumstances, students receiving financial aid may not be eligible to receive a grade of CR, NC, P, I, W, or V. Consult the Financial Aid Office for additional information relevant to specific situations.
  • CR/NC (Credit/No Credit). Credit/No Credit courses do not count towards graduation and are not calculated into the GPA. A mastery level of 80% is required to receive credit in the following courses:
    • MAT 90 Basic Mathematics
    • MAT 97 Introductory Algebra

Credit Definitions

Attempted: The total number of credits in which a student has registered in a semester or on a cumulative basis.

  • Earned: The total number of credits completed with a progress grade in a semester or on a cumulative basis.
  • Passed: The total number of credits earned that do not factor into a semester or cumulative GPA.
  • Quality: The total number of credits earned that factor into a semester or cumulative GPA.
  • Points: The total number of grade points earned in a semester or on a cumulative basis.

The following table indicates each grade variant at Ensign College with its equivalent grade points:

One Credit Of Equals Grade Points
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.4
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.4
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.4
D 1.0
D- 0.7
E 0.0
UW 0.0
P *
I *
IP *
W *
NR *
CR *
NC *
V **

*Does not affect the GPA calculation, but may impact Satisfactory Academic progress.

**Does not affect the GPA calculation, does not impact Satisfactory Academic Progress, and does not appear on the official transcript.

Calculating GPA and SAP

GPA: quality points divided by quality credits

SAP: earned credits divided by attempted credits

NOTE: Student financial aid eligibility may be determined by a different GPA standard and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) percentage.

Challenge Exam Policy

Students may choose to take a challenge exam, which carries credit and a pass/fail grade, to fulfill the requirements for eligible courses. Students may request to earn credit through a challenge exam if they are eligible to enroll, including having an ecclesiastical endorsement.

  • Students may challenge a course only one time.
  • Students may not challenge a course for which they are currently registered.
  • Student also may not challenge a course that they have previously failed or from which they have previously withdrawn or received credit.
  • Although students may request to challenge a course for credit, individual departments determine whether an examination exists and will be offered. Departments also determine the passing score for each challenge exam.

Students wishing to appeal the grade or credit awarded for the challenge exam should follow the Grievance Policy and Procedures for Academics.

Course Credit Hours and Classroom Preparation Time

Ensign College measures academic credit in credit hours. In accordance with federal regulation, a credit hour at the College is the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates not less than:

  • One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fourteen weeks for one semester hour of credit.
  • An average student can expect to spend a minimum of two hours in outside preparation time for every hour in class. For example, in a 3-credit hour class, an average student can expect six hours of outside preparation time each week. This represents the average student who is appropriately prepared; more time may be required to achieve excellence.


When a student requires their attendance to be deferred for a specific and designated time to serve a mission or is called on military duty, student will need to submit a deferment form indicating the semester they will return.

All students returning from deferment will go through the admissions application, submit a new Ecclesiastical Endorsement, and will be notified by admissions regarding the return from deferment.

If a student returns from deferment earlier than stated on their deferment form, they will need to contact the Office of Admissions to update the expected return date.

Did Not Enroll the Semester Admitted

Any student who does not enroll in classes the semester they are admitted will need to reapply for admissions.


A student will be discontinued from the College if they do not enroll after missing two consecutive semesters. After the add deadline of the third semester, students will be discontinued. Students will have to reapply for admissions.

Grade Changes

After the final grade submission deadline, grades may be changed only for the following reasons:

  • No grade was submitted by the deadline.
  • A calculation error was made in computing the grade.
  • The wrong grade was posted.
  • An Incomplete grade contract was finalized.
  • The previous grade was re-evaluated, but no additional work was submitted.
  • A grade change should not be submitted if a student completes any additional work beyond the end of the semester. If extenuating circumstances exist, an incomplete grade may be granted if requested before the grade submission deadline.

A submitted grade typically cannot be changed to a W (Official Withdrawal). Students who had a non-academic emergency may file an Exception to Academic Policy form.

In addition to changing a student’s semester and cumulative GPAs, a grade change may also change a student’s total earned credits. A grade change may also positively or negatively impact a student’s academic standing.

Grade change requests may only be submitted by the instructor or an authorized designee via the College’s approved grade change process. Grade change requests older than one year are additionally reviewed by the Director of Academic & Institutional Assessment and typically are not approved.

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete grade (“I”) is a conditional grade and granted only when extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control occur after the semester withdrawal deadline. Incomplete grades are given only if students are passing the course and would be capable of completing the work before the end of the subsequent semester.

The instructor must receive approval from the Academic Office before issuing an “I” grade. Contracts are available from the Academic Office. A grade contract must be completed and signed by both instructor and student before the semester ends; not afterwards.

The student must be able to complete the remaining work on an individual basis with the instructor. Re-enrollment or attendance in all or part of the same course during a subsequent semester cannot be required as part of the contract. The general length of time to fulfill the requirements of an incomplete contract is one additional semester.

Instructor and student must meet to determine the extent of work/assignments to be complete and the due date(s). Student must take the contract to the Cashier’s Office, pay the $5.00 incomplete grade fee, and return the Incomplete Grade Contract to the Academic Office for copies to be made for both the student and the instructor.

Class attendance in a subsequent semester or re-registering is not permitted to make up the incomplete.

If the incomplete work has not been finished by the end of the semester after the “I” was given, the “I” will be change by the Registrar’s Office to an “E” grade.

Readiness Testing


Ensign College does not require readiness placement testing for the English department.

Ensign College has designed a new method for placing students in English courses. This method is called Directed Self-Placement. Readiness placement testing based on ACT scores, ACCUPLACER, TOEFL scores, etc. is no longer a mandatory indicator of which English course students should take. Incoming students looking to enroll in English 101 or its equivalent courses (English 101SA/101SB) should follow the recommendations in the Directed Self-Placement guide and select the course best suited to their individual needs. Directed Self-Placement supports the mission of our college to “develop trusted and capable disciples of Jesus Christ.” We encourage all students to complete their English 101 requirement in their first year at Ensign College.


Placement test scores, ACT/SAT scores, or a transcript showing college transfer credits are required to register for any math class above MAT 90. Test scores or previous college credit will determine which course is appropriate.

An updated Ensign College readiness test is required if previous ACT, SAT, or placement test scores are more than 18 months old.

Students must complete placement testing or have approved transfer credits/AP scores before registering for a second semester at Ensign College. Those who have not met this requirement will be unable to register until a placement test is taken.

Repeatable Courses

Repeatable courses allow a class to be taken two or more times for additional credit. Most classes at Ensign College are not repeatable for credit. Repeatable courses are generally designated with an “R” at the end of the course code (ex: MUS 102R). Departments establish the maximum number of credits and times a course can be repeated. A repeated course does not replace the former grade or credit of a previously completed course, unless the maximum allowable repeats have been exceeded. In such cases the enrollments are treated as a retake (See “Repeating Courses”).

Approval to enroll in a repeatable course for the purpose of replacing a previous credit and grade must be obtained from the Academic Exceptions Committee prior to registering for the course.

Repeating Courses

Students should seriously consider repeating courses if they have already received the satisfactory grade (C or higher) towards their program and graduation requirements. If a student chooses to repeat a course, they can repeat a course only once. They must register and pay tuition for the semester in which the class is repeated. The original grade remains on the record and is marked as a repeated course. Once the course has been discontinued, the right to repeat the course is gone.

The highest grade received in the course will then be used in calculating the student’s cumulative grade point average. Hours earned in repeat courses may be counted toward graduation requirements only once. Students must obtain approval from the Program Chair on the third attempt of the course (second repeat) if the student still has not achieved a C or higher grade.

Financial aid (including Pell Grants & Direct Loans) will only pay for students to re-take a class once after receiving a passing grade. Certain eligibility requirements apply. See financial aid eligibility.

Ensign College courses cannot be replaced by equivalent courses from other institutions.

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Ensign College is committed to promoting and maintaining a safe and respectful environment for the campus community. The College will not tolerate sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking (collectively “sexual misconduct”) perpetrated by or against any College students, College employees, participants in College programs and activities, or visitors to its campus. This policy prohibits Sexual Misconduct by College employees (which include all faculty, staff, and administrative employees) and students, whether the behavior occurs on or off campus. This policy also prohibits Sexual Misconduct by or against visitors to the College (such as independent contractors, vendors, visiting lecturers, etc.).

The College will take immediate and appropriate steps to stop Sexual Misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. Any person who violates this policy may be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment, suspension, dismissal, and a ban from campus, depending on the circumstances and the severity of the violation and the violator’s status as an employee, student, or visitor. Further detail about the Sexual Misconduct policy can be found at For more information, or to report a concern, contact the Title IX Office at (801) 524-8158.

Test and Transfer Credit

Students may earn a maximum of 50% of the credit required for a credential from Ensign College by transfer credit and credit by examination. Test credit includes Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), course challenge examinations, and industry certifications. All scores must be on official transcripts. Additional information can be found at

Transcript Requests

Official academic transcript requests are made online at Transcripts may not be ordered by phone, e-mail, paper or fax. Transcripts can be requested by both current and former Ensign College students by logging into their current or former student account. When requesting a transcript, students and former students may choose a certified electronic PDF transcript delivered within minutes of placing an order. Students and former students may also choose a paper copy to be sent by US Postal mail or overnight delivery for a fee. Official transcripts will not be released until all Ensign College debts have been paid in full. For more information, visit

Transfer Evaluation

Concurrent/Dual Enrollment Programs

Students may receive credit for courses previously taken through an early college program if those courses were administered from a regionally-accredited college or university and are recorded on an official college or university transcript. Official transcripts must be sent to Ensign College to be considered for transferability. Concurrent or dual enrollment courses sent on a high school transcript will not be considered for transferability.

Full Disclosure of Transfer Schools

Failure to submit official transcripts to Ensign College from all institutions a student has attended or are currently attending, both U.S. and international, may result in disciplinary action including dismissal from Ensign College.

Official Transcripts

Ensign College considers evaluation of courses only with an official college or university transcript. Official transcripts are transcripts mailed in a sealed envelope from the institution or through a secured electronic transmission. Ensign College will not evaluate transcripts submitted via any method deemed unsecure by the College.

Transfer from Ensign College

While Ensign College makes every effort to establish articulation agreements with other colleges and universities, students who are considering transferring to another college or university should review that institution’s transfer guidelines.

Transfer to Ensign College

Ensign College generally accepts college level transfer credits from regionally-accredited colleges and universities. Courses from institutions that are not regionally-accredited are generally not transferable to Ensign College except in circumstances where there is an articulation agreement with a specific institution and program. Generally, courses completed 10 or more years ago will be accepted as elective credit.

Only transfer courses with a grade of C- or higher are eligible for transfer consideration. Additionally, transfer credit may be used to satisfy degree requirements but will not be calculated into the Ensign College GPA. Transfer courses in disciplines not offered at Ensign College or considered to be out of harmony with established principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will not be accepted by Ensign College for credit consideration.

Institute of Religion Cornerstone classes with a grade are transferable. These classes do not count toward the religion residency requirement.

Transfer of Religion Credit from Other Universities

Religion credit earned at other LDS Church schools will transfer to Ensign College as an equivalent religion course or elective credit so long as the course is taken for credit and such credit is noted on an official transcript. While religion credits from other LDS Church schools may transfer to fulfill required religion content, they do not satisfy the Ensign College resident religion requirement (religion courses taken while attending Ensign College). Coursework in religious studies from any institution other than an LDS Church school or Institute of Religion will not be accepted toward filling the Ensign College religion requirements.

Transfer of Religion credit from CES Institutes of Religion

Religion credit earned at Church Education System (CES) Institutes of Religion will transfer to Ensign College as an equivalent religion course or elective credit so long as the course is taken for “Church University” or “BYU” credit and such credit is noted on an official Institute transcript. Qualifying Religion credit taken from CES Institutes of Religion do not count as residency religion requirements.

International Transfer Credit

Students with transcripts from institutions outside the United States may be given credit at Ensign College on a case-by-case basis. Transfer credit will be considered when a translation/evaluation is submitted from one of the two approved translation services listed below. Students may choose one of the two and should request the detail report that the evaluation service sends be sent directly to Ensign College. They must also provide the College with an official copy of their transcripts from the institution they attended.

International Education Research Foundations, Inc.
P.O. Box 3665
Culver City, CA 90231-3665
Phone: (310) 258-9451
Must request a “Detail Report”

World Education Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 26879
San Francisco, CA 94126-6879
Phone: (310) 258-9451
Must request a “Detail Report”

Reverse Transfer

Reverse transfer allows a former student to reverse credits they took at another institution back to Ensign College to complete their degree (certificate and/or associates). Former students will need to complete the reverse transfer request form and provide the official transcripts to Ensign College to be evaluated. Students will not need to reapply for admissions if they do not intend to take any classes at the college, but rather to submit the reverse transfer request form and official transcripts. No more than 50% of transfer credits may be used to satisfy Ensign College degree requirements. Students are required to follow all graduation requirements (See Graduation).


If a course is full and a student would like to be placed on the waitlist, students have the option to be added to a waitlist queue. Students can utilize the waitlist process in their course registration process in MyBC. If an open seat becomes available in the course, the next student in the queue will be enrolled. Students will be emailed a confirmation when they are added to the course from the waitlist.

All registration errors and holds must be resolved in order for the student to be moved from the waitlist into a course when an opening in the course becomes available. A student will not be enrolled in a course from the waitlist if there are any registration errors. Common registration errors are as follows:

  • The student is already registered for another section of that class
  • There is a hold on the student's account
  • The waitlist class has a time conflict with another class on the student’s schedule
  • The student has not met the prerequisites for this class
  • The course will put the student in an overload status for the semester (cannot exceed 18 credits in a semester)
  • The course requires the instructor's permission or other requirements

Withdrawal from Courses

Withdrawals exist to allow students time to determine if a class fits their ability and goals. Students are expected to take responsibility to ensure that their schedules are correct and to attend all courses for which they are registered until they officially withdraw from those courses. The following policies apply:

  • Students who have not attended class by the final class session of the first week of the semester may be administratively dropped by the Registrar’s Office at the request of course instructors. This policy does not, however, relieve students of the responsibility to inform the Registrar’s Office in advance of the semester of classes they do not plan to attend.
  • Students must drop from their schedules the courses which they do not plan to attend. Dropped courses will not appear on student transcripts if they are dropped by the Add/Drop date announced on the Academic Calendar.
  • After the time period designated above, students who officially withdraw from a course receive a W (official withdrawal) on their permanent record. The W is not used in calculating GPA. Official withdrawal may occur through the date announced on the Academic Calendar.
  • Under no circumstances is dropping a course after the official withdrawal period permitted for purposes of avoiding an unsatisfactory grade. After the end of the official withdrawal period, withdrawal (W) will only be authorized for critical circumstances which are beyond the student’s control and prevent them from completing courses for which they are registered. In such cases, circumstances must be documented and presented in a petition to the Registrar’s Office. In cases of serious illness or injury, family members may petition for student withdrawal.
  • Students who never attended class or who stop attending class but do not officially withdraw by the withdrawal deadline will receive an Unofficial Withdrawal (UW). The UW is calculated in the GPA as a failing grade (E).

Withdrawal from the College

Students can withdraw from the College at their own discretion.

Students may withdraw or drop all classes through MyBC through the drop deadline. Students may also submit a request form with signature authorizing the Office of the Registrar to withdraw all courses through the drop deadline. (The official date of withdrawal will be the date written notification is received by the College.) Students should be mindful of the financial aid implications, international student status, and other factors that will result in dropping all their classes and withdrawing from the college. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with appropriate services at the College prior to withdrawing from the college through MyBC.

When a student completely withdraws from Ensign College after the tuition deadline, a pro-rated refund can be given by request until 60% of the semester has passed. There will be NO REFUND given when a student withdraws from school after 60% of the semester has elapsed.