CAR 499R Internship

This course is designed to allow students to apply what they learned in their program in a professional setting. Students will identify prior to the course a business or organization that is willing to allow them to do an internship. Students will work with the Career and Internship Services office to verify that the internship they have selected meets the college-wide expectations for internships. The internships must include a minimum of 10 hours per week of work for a minimum of 7 weeks. Program Chair and Internship Office approval required prior to registering for the course. Internship’s work must be related to an earned certificate or program emphasis. For international students, this course will require CPT authorization. Please see the International Student Office for details.

Students must enroll for a minimum of 1 credit hour and may elect to enroll in up to 3 credits. Only 1 credit hour is required, even if the internship's total work hours exceed 70 hours. Work hour requirements by credit hour are as follows:

1 credit = a minimum of 70 work hours during the semester

2 credits = a minimum of 140 work hours during the semester

3 credits = a minimum of 210 hours during the semester

Students wishing to enroll for 2 or 3 credit hours must coordinate with the Registration Office and Career & Internship Services.


1-3 credits: This course can be taken a maximum of 2 times with a cap of 4 total credits


To enroll in an experiential learning course, you must have completed at least 50% of the requirements for a certificate or degree related to your proposed experiential learning course unless the recommended sequence of courses listed in your catalog states otherwise and obtain approval from the Internship office and Program Chair. For assistance in finding an internship opportunity, it is recommended that you begin working with Career Services one to two semesters before you complete an internship project.


Fall, Winter, Spring